Neonotic! Online Cider Tasting
Join the Neonotic Crew on Friday 11 December at 8 p.m. where they will be tasting the brand new Just Peachy Peach Cider alongside the rest of their range!
Follow them on Instagram for their latest promotions and events!
Have you grabbed your tasting set yet? bestbevhk.com/collections/neonotic-cider
聽晚8點就係Just Peachy嘅Virtual Tasting喇~我哋酒廠團隊會同大家一齊試飲最新出嘅Just Peachy Peach Cider同埋Core Range嘅兩款Ciders,記得痴實我哋IG!嚟緊下星期一8點仲會有設計呢張咁可愛嘅酒標嘅Designer @nsy.oyo 全程用廣東話同大家一齊Taste,唔好錯過呀~