Happy Homebrewing Legalisation Day!
October 14th marks a special milestone in homebrewing history as the day homebrewing was officially legalised in the United States.
The beer industry is full of individuals who, much like the brewers at Hong Kong's own Black Kite Brewery, discovered their passion at home, in a kitchen or basement, experimenting with extract kits, all-grain systems or, in Tom’s case, Black Kite’s head brewer, old wine making equipment.

A Hong Kong based homebrewer? Want to learn more about homebrewing
Hong Kong Homebrewer’s Association is sponsoring the 9th Annual Hong Kong Homebrew Competition 2021. With entries evaluated by certified BJCP judges, this competition is any homebrewing amateur’s foot in the door.
For applications (deadline: 12/11/2021) and more information, please click here.